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多种口味果汁 juice
果汁是通过提取或压榨水果和蔬菜中所含天然液体制成的饮料,还可指添加了浓缩物的液体调味品, 或是掺杂了其他食物的调味品,例如肉汁,海鲜汁,蛤蜊汁。 果汁通常是当饮料食用,也可用作食品或其他饮料的配料或调味料,例如用来制作冰沙。 Juice is a drink made from the extraction or pressing of the natural liquid contained in fruit and vegetables. It can also refer to liquids that are flavored with concentrate or other biological food sources, such as meat or seafood, such as clam juice. Juice is commonly consumed as a beverage or used as an ingredient or flavoring in foods or other beverages, as for smoothies.
果汁是通过提取或压榨水果和蔬菜中所含天然液体制成的饮料,还可指添加了浓缩物的液体调味品, 或是掺杂了其他食物的调味品,例如肉汁,海鲜汁,蛤蜊汁。 果汁通常是当饮料食用,也可用作食品或其他饮料的配料或调味料,例如用来制作冰沙。
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